Qui venais ici de Maurisha
Elle veut reste ici elle me dit
Mais c'est possible g dit
Et alors Il faut le croire
Et moi g vien de Dublin
et naturellement g m’appel Martin!
German / English technical terms with illustrations. Some thoughts on books I've read. Notes on SEO.
David Grossman, The Writer
I’m reading David Grossman’s book, Lovers and Strangers. I like it. This is the first piece of work by Grossman that I’ve read, after hearing that he was a very good writer. It’s written in a very concentrated and condensed style. You really need to concentrate when reading it so that you don’t miss what he is describing or you don’t miss his nuances.
The book: Lovers and Strangers
Published by Bloomsbury
Copyright 2002
is a very impressive writer. I’ve only read this book, Lovers and Strangers, by him so far, and am very impressed. He is very modern and uses all the latest writing techniques. He is acquainted with recent advances in genetics. I look forward to reading more by him. He mentions another writer who he liked Sholem Aleichem (Solomon Naumovich Rabinovich). It would be worth reading him as well.
The Myths series by the Publisher Canongate brings together some of the world’s finest writers, each of whom has retold a myth in a contemporary and memorable way. Authors in the series include Chinua Achebe, Margaret Atwood, Karen Atmstrong, AS Byatt, David Grossman (who I’ve read), Milton Haroum, Natsuo Kirino, Alexander McCall Smith, Tomás Eloy Martínez, Victor Pelevin, Ali Smith, Donna Tartt, Su Tong, Dubravka Ugresic, Salley Vickers and Jeannette Winterson.
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